Crystal Grids

Crystal grids are great manifesting tools. They use the energies of the combined crystals chosen for specific outcomes as well as the

layout and arrangement of the crystals.

I personally use crystal grids for relationships, health, healing and abundance.

I created a basic crystal grid with quartz crystals in the center to enhance the entire energy of the grid and rose quartz and clear quartz

crystals all around the outer circle for love and amplification.

I also used amethyst for strengthening the immune system and for increasing my intuition; green aventurine for inviting luck and

prosperity; green fluorite for growth and healing emotional wounds and opening your heart to love; and snowflake obsidian for clarity,

grounding and balance of the mind and spirit.

I placed these on a cloth surrounded by the phases of the moon and put them in a frame. This is my basic crystal grid pictured above.

When I am using the crystal grid, I set it on a table and add crystal points (I have several – clear quartz, amethyst, mookaite, tiger’s eye)

or a selenite tower on top of the glass for increased amplification and then I add any further crystals to aid in my specific intentions for

the session. I also light a candle and write my intentions on a piece of paper prior to the session and place that paper under the center

crystal point that I am using at the time. Then, I take the crystal point and trace each crystal from the center outwards to activate my

grid. Then I will say a prayer and meditate on my desired outcome. I will often leave the crystals in place for a time to disperse their

energy and allow my intentions to come to fruition.

It is important to note that I cleanse my crystal grid between uses, usually with sage and I periodically leave it in my windowsill during the

full moon phase.

When the grid is not in use, it makes a pretty decoration in my home.


When I Grow Up

