Introduction to the 7 Major Chakras
Chakras are the spinning energy centers in our bodies that run along our spine and govern our astral bodies. The word chakra means “disk” or “wheel” in Sanskrit. When functioning optimally, the chakras spin at equal speeds and widths and keep our bodies free of disease.
Following is a brief description of each chakra, its function and associated color and a simple statement that corresponds to each chakra.
1 - the Root Chakra, which is located at the base of the spine and corresponds with the color red.
It is associated with our foundation and security and helps us to feel safe and grounded.
2 – the Sacral Chakra, which is located halfway between the naval and pubic bone and corresponds with the color orange.
It is associated with our creativity, sensuality and sexuality.
3 – the Solar Plexus Chakra, which is located in the stomach area and corresponds with the color yellow.
It is associated with our confidence and personal power and ‘gut feelings’.
4 – the Heart Chakra, which is located just above the heart and corresponds with the color green.
It is associated with self-love, love for others and compassion.
5 – the Throat Chakra, which is located at the throat and corresponds with the color blue.
It is associated with communication.
6 – the Third Eye Chakra, which is located between the brows and corresponds with the color indigo.
It is associated with intuition and imagination.
7 – the Crown Chakra, which is located at the top of the head and corresponds with the color violet.
It is associated with intellect and connection to higher consciousness.
How does this work? Some examples would be if you just lost your job, your root chakra may become unbalanced. Alternatively, if you were studying very hard for an exam, your crown chakra may be spinning wider or faster than the other chakras.
Whenever my chakras were measured, it seems my heart chakra is always spinning the fastest and much wider than all the other chakras and sometimes that is caused by my giving out too much and needing more self-care.
An energy healing practitioner can measure and balance the chakras. I use my pendulum for this task so that the person can see where they started and how the energy healing given has affected them.