Imaginary Friends

Angels and Spirit Guides

Do you remember when you were younger and you had imaginary friends?

These imaginary friends were either angels or spirit guides. The difference between angels and spirit guides are that angels never lived in earthly bodies. They have always been in spirit form whereas spirit guides once inhabited the earth as humans. These spirit guides/angels comforted the children at specific times in their lives.

It is said that we have at least two guardian angels with us our whole lives, one who is a more dominant presence who continually reminds us to stay on track with our divine purpose and the other who is a more gentle angel who brings constant comfort. Aside from our guardian angels, there are many angels and spirit guides who come and go in our lives depending on our specific needs at the time.

Angels are non-threatening, pure love beings. They will never cause you to feel afraid. Their presence is always welcome, peaceful and comforting.

Spirit guides, on the other hand, have been human before, and can understand what we go through here on earth, our trials and tribulations, frustrations and fears. They may also be deceased family members who watch over us.

Children see these spirit guides and angels very plainly and clearly. They accept their presence naturally and don’t filter out what they see. It is only after being ridiculed or made to feel that we are imagining things that we lose this natural sight, even though our angels and spirit guides are still there, just waiting to help us if we ask.

It is sad that so often, they cannot do very much for us except in situations where we would die before our time. It is only then that they can intervene due to the laws of free will. We must ask for their help and they so want to help us. Nothing is too trivial to ask for. Ask them to give you a sign that they are with you and pay attention to what you see, hear, feel and sense. Your world can be so much sweeter if you invite them into it. You need not ever feel alone again.

It is interesting to note that these imaginary friends often show up at times of stress, fear and loneliness.  

For example, my sister and I had Martha and Mary. They played with us on the swings in my father’s back yard when we were around 4 and 6 years old.  They only showed up when we were at my father’s house which is interesting because my parents were divorced and my sister and I often felt confused and lonely when we were at my dad’s.  I don’t think he knew what to do with us so we were often left to our own devices when we had visitation with him, but Martha and Mary were always there to keep us company and make us feel safe.

My cousin was kind of an only child as her brother was much older and had already gotten married and lived in his own home.  I remember how much she loved sleeping at our house because she was often alone.  She had Tim and Bim and they were so real that we just accepted them without giving it a second thought.  Tim and Bim were my cousin’s closest friends and she talked about them so much, my sister and I felt like we knew them.

My grandson died in a daycare at 3 ½ months old.  My granddaughter, who was 4 at the time, was at the same daycare with him when he passed.  It was a lot to deal with at 4 years old and she surely couldn’t process her feelings at such a young and tender age. Her and her baby brother had a very special connection and I believe they very much still do.  She often snuggled with his blanket, and was chattering about and appeared to be completely engaged playing with someone who was very present. When asked about it, she very plainly stated that she was playing with her brother. 


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