Mirror Mirror
Mirror Mirror please show me … that part of others reflected in me?
Do you know that when you are looking at another person, you are actually mirroring them.
Do you like what you see?
What part of yourself is reflected in them?
Mirroring is a natural behavior where we mimic the expressions, characteristics, patterns, voices, tone, posture, attitude, body
language, mannerisms and feelings of those we interact with. It is said to be a form of empathy and we often do this unconsciously
without even realizing we are doing it.
Mirroring is a powerful tool for interacting with others and allowing our senses to guide our interactions.
If you have pleasant feelings when interacting with someone, it is often a reflection of the energy you are putting out as well as receiving
from them.
Mirroring can make us feel an instant rapport, connection and empathy towards others, as if we are on the same wavelength and can
share their emotions.
Conversely, it can signal us to step back from others, maintain distance and proceed with caution.
I am always curious when I meet someone new what we are reflecting in one another and what my first impressions are.
While it feels so good to find likenesses with others, I also notice that the behaviors we dislike in others are often behaviors we dislike in
When used properly, we can tune into these impressions and make changes within ourselves to put our best foot forward but also to
step back from absorbing others’ unwanted energy.