So beautiful, free spirited and expansive as they open their wings and take flight. They come to rest on our shoulder, breeze past us
and sometimes deliver a message.
As I was walking, entranced in my thoughts, a butterfly encircled me playfully, reminding me to let my own spirit fly. I got your message,
gentle creature and I thank you for it. My heart is open. I feel love and welcome it in all its glory. The butterfly reminds me of my oldest,
carefree, elusive at times and comes and goes at will but always beautiful.
Turtles, with their hard, protective shells on the outside and vulnerable, soft interior on the inside, moving at their own pace in their own time….
They remind me of my son.
Tigers are fierce, powerful, vigilant and courageous in the face of danger. They are also calm, determined, patient, loyal and protective.
They prowl with finesse and are highly adept and focused in their pursuits.
My youngest is my tiger, with her ever-watchful eye, keen, sharp and hyper aware, always looking out for me and those she loves. She
recently became a mother. I knew she would be a good one but that is a pale understatement. She’s incredible and I observe her in awe.