Tools Of The Trade
Crystal Ball and Scrying Mirror
Both the crystal ball and scrying mirror are used for remote viewing. The crystal ball looks like a clear
glass ball and the scrying mirror looks like a black plate of glass (samples shown). I use a stand to hold
them in place when I am using them and use only one or the other at a time.
I start by placing a white cloth on a table along with a few crystals such as clear quartz and selenite to
amplify the energy and provide clarity, amethyst for its calming presence, rose quartz for love, black
obsidian and black tourmaline for protection, celestite for raising consciousness and moonstone for
intuition. I light a candle and pray for guidance and protection and then I simply meditate and gaze.
Sometimes thoughts appear in my mind, such as answers to questions and sometimes a scene will
appear in my mind’s eye. The first time I used a scrying mirror, the entire room became the scene which
was quite a surprise. It was late in the evening on Halloween night, just before the Day of the Dead
where the veil between heaven and earth is said to be the thinnest.
Both the crystal ball and scrying mirror have been cleansed in the light of the full moon. However, I also
purchased soft cloth to cover them in when not in use to protect them from absorbing any energy
outside of my own which is why the pictures shown here are for illustration purposes only.
In remembrance of Leslie…
It is hard to know where to start. When we met so many years ago, I had no idea what an integral part
of my life you would become. I know you are still here, but I miss you even still. I hear your words
echoing in my head, ‘you either believe all of it or none of it ... there are no coincidences’ and ‘if your
belief system isn’t working for you, find another belief system’.
You were so direct, it would be easy to believe that you were devoid of emotion, but I know better.
There was another side, well hidden and shown to very few. I didn’t realize when we spoke last why
you were so adamant in drilling me and making me promise to carry on the work. I didn’t know it would
be our last conversation on the physical plane.
I feel like the tower has arrived to shake up the atmosphere and catapult me into movement. You were
going to have the last say at any cost. I see that now and far be it from me to mess with the master, the
queen of swords at her finest.
You always had a way of reminding me of who I am. You invested in me and I often wondered why.
And now there is no time to think about why because I promised I would continue and, if for no other
reason, although there are many, I would never let your efforts go in vain.
When you met me I was sad girl as you called me, thinking I knew what I wanted, just to live happily
ever after. Wow, did you remove those blinders for me! You inspired me, kicking and screaming at first
and countless hours of tears and ‘I don’t like this’ but I continued to work with you and put in the time.
I became strong and powerful. I saw my purpose in front of me and my times with you became the one
thing I did for myself. We were synchronistic. You gave me homework. You didn’t let me fail and
whenever I felt weak or needed a reminder, you kicked my ass back into gear quickly and decisively.
I started to see the world and my life purpose as the stage and you inspired me to give my best
performance, deliver my lines and get off. Well, you certainly set the stage high. Water sinks to its own
level you would say, always rise to the occasion and never sell yourself short. I get this feeling you and I
will have more conversations on the astral plane than we have on the physical plane.
I keep thinking of our last conversation and how insistent you were that I promised you to continue. I
think you knew you were making your exit. You were even sentimental. If only I had realized. Was
there something I could have done differently? I always thanked you but it doesn’t seem enough.
When you said you were proud of me, I beamed inside. You saw my gifts and brought them to the light.
You also taught me to wade through the darkness, having that be just the other side of the coin. I used
to fear the darkness, but I’ve learned to embrace it, the moon and all its complicated feelings. Even
when I doubted myself, I was reminded that you don’t suffer fools.
I miss you and I never really could handle goodbyes very well so now more than ever, it is critical that I
put all the years of instruction into practice knowing that ‘no one is going anywhere’ and we just take
different forms. I am further reminded of your asking me who else I would rather be since I have clearly
put in the work to be me.
I can’t believe how well I can quote you now. You are ever present in my mind.
I loved your unique view and approach to life, no judgment, no bullshit, no higher moral ground. You
dealt with what you chose and bowed out of what you were unwilling to invest your time in. It was so
simple and matter of fact. And what you did invest your time in, you did well.
Your introduction to the tarot is so practical. No longer do I think of it as reading someone’s fortune,
but rather a tool at have at your disposal, a guide to find direction.
Why did you leave without finishing the second book? You must have been tired because I know that
would have been a complement to your ‘resume’ unless you are planning to channel it through the veil.
I know you weren’t exactly thrilled with our species and the current state of affairs. What new
adventures will you seek? Are you picking Dion Fortune’s brain, sitting by the sea in England?
I miss you, Leslie. I know I will be feeling this for quite some time.
Thank you for being my mentor and my friend, for enriching my world, confiding in me, believing in me
and sharing your years of knowledge and wisdom.
I love you dearly and I know you loved me. Please visit often, continue to enlighten us and know that
you will never be forgotten.
Love Ms. C