Astral Travel

During Surgery

Years ago I had surgery for an optic nerve fenestration where my left eye was lifted out and an incision was made in the sheath of the optic nerve to drain fluid and relieve pressure on my brain which was causing blindness.  I was terrified of this surgery and afraid I would die during it.  However, I literally watched the surgery being performed on me from just above my physical body.  I heard the conversations of the doctors and nurses and watched what they were doing. When I came out of the surgery and told them about the experience, they didn’t believe me at first and said it was impossible until I repeated what happened verbatim, including them discussing that I must have been taking quite a bit of aspirin beforehand for pain because of all the bleeding that occurred during surgery.  They were astonished.

Visitation with Grandmother

Another time, after my grandmother died, I was desperate to know that she was still ”with me” somehow.  I remember saying a prayer with deep intent for some sign that she was safe.  I wasn’t as well acquainted with my angels then, but I certainly prayed.  I was in my bed sleeping, but I looked up and saw my grandmother in the doorway.  I left my body and went towards her to greet her while my physical body was still laying on the bed.  We just looked at each other and she was standing there dressed in casual clothes as if she were living.  I came to her with our hands reaching and felt her essence with me.  I knew that her spirit still lived and I received my sign.  After what seemed an eternity, she slowly faded and I returned to bed “knowing”.


I have had excruciating pain with Trigeminal Neuralgia.  When I first made the decision to try holistic healing, it was a complete leap of faith.  I used to see a chiropractor who was also an energy healer and acupuncturist.  We were very in-tune with one another.  We used to communicate telepathically and I would tell her what I needed to heal.  Then when I went to see her, she would say, I got your message and I know exactly what you need.  We had many angel occurrences during our time together.  We both worked very closely with Archangel Michael.  We saw him outside the office door once out of the corner of our eyes when we had asked for protection.  We also had several experiences of the water or electricity turning on and off spontaneously when I was in the office.  Additionally, her electronic stim machine would not work on me.  Somehow the electric energy in my body would zap out the machine and cause it not to function.  She didn’t have this problem with other patients.

The pain was great and she was trying to teach me ways of releasing pain with intent and breath, including visualization and manifestation.  All of a sudden, I started levitating above my body while she was working on my mouth.  I went completely out of my body to release the pain.  This was a very unexpected, but effective experience.  I was so open that it happened naturally. I remember talking to her and asking her if she could see my physical body under me.


I have had many times of longing for a true soulmate, someone who knew me, who understood my needs and fulfilled me in all ways.  I would be overcome with loneliness at times, even when I was married.  I had the feeling of being in a crowded room, but totally alone.  I felt with all my being that I had experienced this type of intimacy before, that it was real and that it existed.  Not just once, but often, over many years, this person would meet me in another dimension, a dream state, and we would communicate, interact, embrace and fulfill each other.  This would comfort me and give me hope knowing that he was out there and that we would one day meet again.  When I ”woke up” from these dreams, there was physical evidence that the encounters took place and my eyes were soaked with tears.

I am currently taking a class from The Shift Network on Advanced Bi-Location Practices with Drs. Scott M. Taylor and Charlene Nicely. It has become abundantly clear that we have both physical and spiritual bodies and that we can move between these bodies at will. I had these experiences in the past before I even knew what to call them or how to control them. I am excited to deepen my knowledge and experiences in this arena and share this knowledge to help others to heal, clarify their purpose, consult with their guides and higher self, connect with deceased loved ones and co-create the most amazing life possible.

#The Shift Network

#Advanced Bi-Location Practices

#Dr. Scott M. Taylor

#Dr. Charlene Nicely

#Astral Travel


Tools Of The Trade


How to Choose a Life Coach