Introduction to the 7 Major Chakras
Chakras are the spinning energy centers in our bodies that run along our spine and govern our astral bodies. The word chakra means “disk” or “wheel” in Sanskrit. When functioning optimally, the chakras spin at equal speeds and widths and keep our bodies free of disease.
Following is a brief description of each chakra, its function and associated color and a simple statement that corresponds to each chakra.
1 - the Root Chakra, which is located at the base of the spine and corresponds with the color red.
It is associated with our foundation and security and helps us to feel safe and grounded.
2 – the Sacral Chakra, which is located halfway between the naval and pubic bone and corresponds with the color orange.
It is associated with our creativity, sensuality and sexuality.
3 – the Solar Plexus Chakra, which is located in the stomach area and corresponds with the color yellow.
It is associated with our confidence and personal power and ‘gut feelings’.
4 – the Heart Chakra, which is located just above the heart and corresponds with the color green.
It is associated with self-love, love for others and compassion.
5 – the Throat Chakra, which is located at the throat and corresponds with the color blue.
It is associated with communication.
6 – the Third Eye Chakra, which is located between the brows and corresponds with the color indigo.
It is associated with intuition and imagination.
7 – the Crown Chakra, which is located at the top of the head and corresponds with the color violet.
It is associated with intellect and connection to higher consciousness.
How does this work? Some examples would be if you just lost your job, your root chakra may become unbalanced. Alternatively, if you were studying very hard for an exam, your crown chakra may be spinning wider or faster than the other chakras.
Whenever my chakras were measured, it seems my heart chakra is always spinning the fastest and much wider than all the other chakras and sometimes that is caused by my giving out too much and needing more self-care.
An energy healing practitioner can measure and balance the chakras. I use my pendulum for this task so that the person can see where they started and how the energy healing given has affected them.
Feng Shui
Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art that uses the energy or ‘chi’ of objects and their placement to create an environment of harmony and peace. Each sector of the feng shui map, otherwise known as the ‘bagua’ can be enhanced and energized to activate the energies of that particular sector.
The literal translation of Feng Shui is “wind” and “water” signifying the flow of energy around us and the premise that our home and surroundings reflect what is going on inside us.
The main sectors of the bagua include Wealth, Fame, Love Relationships, Family, Health, Creativity/Children, Knowledge, Career and Helpful People/Travel. Each sector is associated with a specific color, number, element and purpose and the feng shui bagua can be superimposed over any area. For example, you can apply feng shui principles or ‘cures’ to a specific room, an entire home or even simply a desk in your room.
The original entrance of a room is how you determine the sectors of the room. It doesn’t matter if the door is on the right, the left or in the middle. It is still the point of entrance and the room is then divided into sectors.
To put it simply, the furthest right corner of a room or desk or home is the relationship sector. If I wanted to enhance my relationship sector, I would place items there that were red or pink in color and possibly rose quartz crystals to enhance love or Hershey kisses to sweeten things up. Think also of the number two which depicts a couple. If I wanted a partner to skate with me, I might place two mini pairs of skates in that sector.
I have two rose quartz crystals in the relationship sector of each of the main rooms in my home. However, in my bedroom, I go all out. I use pink or red-colored sheets. I also have a small, pink pouch on my window sill. Inside it I have rosebuds and an ancient prayer which says “I am my Divine, harmonious relationship now made manifest” written in red ink. And, if that wasn’t enough, I have two mallard ducks facing one another as if they are kissing in my bedroom because mallard ducks mate for life!
I use Feng Shui principles to invigorate and harmonize my personal surroundings and as a guide to help others to enhance their own personal surroundings. What is comforting to you is individual and should be treated as such. There is no one way approach to all.
Every step you take in the direction of improvement to yourself and your surroundings gets noticed by the Universe and the Universe responds in kind.
I first learned about Feng Shui from the Feng Shui guru, the late Ellen Whitehurst, who made Feng Shui more ordinary, fun and accessible. She explained things clearly and concisely with a hands-on approach and I read everything I could get my hands on. Thank you, Ellen!
Tools Of The Trade
Crystal Ball and Scrying Mirror
Both the crystal ball and scrying mirror are used for remote viewing. The crystal ball looks like a clear
glass ball and the scrying mirror looks like a black plate of glass (samples shown). I use a stand to hold
them in place when I am using them and use only one or the other at a time.
I start by placing a white cloth on a table along with a few crystals such as clear quartz and selenite to
amplify the energy and provide clarity, amethyst for its calming presence, rose quartz for love, black
obsidian and black tourmaline for protection, celestite for raising consciousness and moonstone for
intuition. I light a candle and pray for guidance and protection and then I simply meditate and gaze.
Sometimes thoughts appear in my mind, such as answers to questions and sometimes a scene will
appear in my mind’s eye. The first time I used a scrying mirror, the entire room became the scene which
was quite a surprise. It was late in the evening on Halloween night, just before the Day of the Dead
where the veil between heaven and earth is said to be the thinnest.
Both the crystal ball and scrying mirror have been cleansed in the light of the full moon. However, I also
purchased soft cloth to cover them in when not in use to protect them from absorbing any energy
outside of my own which is why the pictures shown here are for illustration purposes only.
In remembrance of Leslie…
It is hard to know where to start. When we met so many years ago, I had no idea what an integral part
of my life you would become. I know you are still here, but I miss you even still. I hear your words
echoing in my head, ‘you either believe all of it or none of it ... there are no coincidences’ and ‘if your
belief system isn’t working for you, find another belief system’.
You were so direct, it would be easy to believe that you were devoid of emotion, but I know better.
There was another side, well hidden and shown to very few. I didn’t realize when we spoke last why
you were so adamant in drilling me and making me promise to carry on the work. I didn’t know it would
be our last conversation on the physical plane.
I feel like the tower has arrived to shake up the atmosphere and catapult me into movement. You were
going to have the last say at any cost. I see that now and far be it from me to mess with the master, the
queen of swords at her finest.
You always had a way of reminding me of who I am. You invested in me and I often wondered why.
And now there is no time to think about why because I promised I would continue and, if for no other
reason, although there are many, I would never let your efforts go in vain.
When you met me I was sad girl as you called me, thinking I knew what I wanted, just to live happily
ever after. Wow, did you remove those blinders for me! You inspired me, kicking and screaming at first
and countless hours of tears and ‘I don’t like this’ but I continued to work with you and put in the time.
I became strong and powerful. I saw my purpose in front of me and my times with you became the one
thing I did for myself. We were synchronistic. You gave me homework. You didn’t let me fail and
whenever I felt weak or needed a reminder, you kicked my ass back into gear quickly and decisively.
I started to see the world and my life purpose as the stage and you inspired me to give my best
performance, deliver my lines and get off. Well, you certainly set the stage high. Water sinks to its own
level you would say, always rise to the occasion and never sell yourself short. I get this feeling you and I
will have more conversations on the astral plane than we have on the physical plane.
I keep thinking of our last conversation and how insistent you were that I promised you to continue. I
think you knew you were making your exit. You were even sentimental. If only I had realized. Was
there something I could have done differently? I always thanked you but it doesn’t seem enough.
When you said you were proud of me, I beamed inside. You saw my gifts and brought them to the light.
You also taught me to wade through the darkness, having that be just the other side of the coin. I used
to fear the darkness, but I’ve learned to embrace it, the moon and all its complicated feelings. Even
when I doubted myself, I was reminded that you don’t suffer fools.
I miss you and I never really could handle goodbyes very well so now more than ever, it is critical that I
put all the years of instruction into practice knowing that ‘no one is going anywhere’ and we just take
different forms. I am further reminded of your asking me who else I would rather be since I have clearly
put in the work to be me.
I can’t believe how well I can quote you now. You are ever present in my mind.
I loved your unique view and approach to life, no judgment, no bullshit, no higher moral ground. You
dealt with what you chose and bowed out of what you were unwilling to invest your time in. It was so
simple and matter of fact. And what you did invest your time in, you did well.
Your introduction to the tarot is so practical. No longer do I think of it as reading someone’s fortune,
but rather a tool at have at your disposal, a guide to find direction.
Why did you leave without finishing the second book? You must have been tired because I know that
would have been a complement to your ‘resume’ unless you are planning to channel it through the veil.
I know you weren’t exactly thrilled with our species and the current state of affairs. What new
adventures will you seek? Are you picking Dion Fortune’s brain, sitting by the sea in England?
I miss you, Leslie. I know I will be feeling this for quite some time.
Thank you for being my mentor and my friend, for enriching my world, confiding in me, believing in me
and sharing your years of knowledge and wisdom.
I love you dearly and I know you loved me. Please visit often, continue to enlighten us and know that
you will never be forgotten.
Love Ms. C
Astral Travel
During Surgery
Years ago I had surgery for an optic nerve fenestration where my left eye was lifted out and an incision was made in the sheath of the optic nerve to drain fluid and relieve pressure on my brain which was causing blindness. I was terrified of this surgery and afraid I would die during it. However, I literally watched the surgery being performed on me from just above my physical body. I heard the conversations of the doctors and nurses and watched what they were doing. When I came out of the surgery and told them about the experience, they didn’t believe me at first and said it was impossible until I repeated what happened verbatim, including them discussing that I must have been taking quite a bit of aspirin beforehand for pain because of all the bleeding that occurred during surgery. They were astonished.
Visitation with Grandmother
Another time, after my grandmother died, I was desperate to know that she was still ”with me” somehow. I remember saying a prayer with deep intent for some sign that she was safe. I wasn’t as well acquainted with my angels then, but I certainly prayed. I was in my bed sleeping, but I looked up and saw my grandmother in the doorway. I left my body and went towards her to greet her while my physical body was still laying on the bed. We just looked at each other and she was standing there dressed in casual clothes as if she were living. I came to her with our hands reaching and felt her essence with me. I knew that her spirit still lived and I received my sign. After what seemed an eternity, she slowly faded and I returned to bed “knowing”.
I have had excruciating pain with Trigeminal Neuralgia. When I first made the decision to try holistic healing, it was a complete leap of faith. I used to see a chiropractor who was also an energy healer and acupuncturist. We were very in-tune with one another. We used to communicate telepathically and I would tell her what I needed to heal. Then when I went to see her, she would say, I got your message and I know exactly what you need. We had many angel occurrences during our time together. We both worked very closely with Archangel Michael. We saw him outside the office door once out of the corner of our eyes when we had asked for protection. We also had several experiences of the water or electricity turning on and off spontaneously when I was in the office. Additionally, her electronic stim machine would not work on me. Somehow the electric energy in my body would zap out the machine and cause it not to function. She didn’t have this problem with other patients.
The pain was great and she was trying to teach me ways of releasing pain with intent and breath, including visualization and manifestation. All of a sudden, I started levitating above my body while she was working on my mouth. I went completely out of my body to release the pain. This was a very unexpected, but effective experience. I was so open that it happened naturally. I remember talking to her and asking her if she could see my physical body under me.
I have had many times of longing for a true soulmate, someone who knew me, who understood my needs and fulfilled me in all ways. I would be overcome with loneliness at times, even when I was married. I had the feeling of being in a crowded room, but totally alone. I felt with all my being that I had experienced this type of intimacy before, that it was real and that it existed. Not just once, but often, over many years, this person would meet me in another dimension, a dream state, and we would communicate, interact, embrace and fulfill each other. This would comfort me and give me hope knowing that he was out there and that we would one day meet again. When I ”woke up” from these dreams, there was physical evidence that the encounters took place and my eyes were soaked with tears.
I am currently taking a class from The Shift Network on Advanced Bi-Location Practices with Drs. Scott M. Taylor and Charlene Nicely. It has become abundantly clear that we have both physical and spiritual bodies and that we can move between these bodies at will. I had these experiences in the past before I even knew what to call them or how to control them. I am excited to deepen my knowledge and experiences in this arena and share this knowledge to help others to heal, clarify their purpose, consult with their guides and higher self, connect with deceased loved ones and co-create the most amazing life possible.
#The Shift Network
#Advanced Bi-Location Practices
#Dr. Scott M. Taylor
#Dr. Charlene Nicely
#Astral Travel
How to Choose a Life Coach
Being a certified life coach means that the coach has met the certification requirements set forth by a specific certification agency. The agency skills professionals in life coaching and holds its graduates to high professional and ethical standards. Some life coaches are helpful in general, while others have received specialized training in areas such as career coaching or business coaching. It is a good idea to look for a life coach with expertise in the same areas as your goals.
Some life coaches have a very hands-on approach where they assist their clients in writing down their goals and the steps they need to take to achieve their goals. Others use a life coaching style that is more like a drill sergeant or a cheerleader. Every certified life coach should give you a basic idea about their coaching style and what you can expect from them the first time you talk. They are also likely to tell you what will be expected from you. It is a good idea to spend some time in an initial consultation to get a basic idea of their coaching style before making an appointment.
Some life coaches are only available for meetings during office hours, while others offer flexible hours to accommodate their client’s needs. People who are making huge changes in their lifestyles may require a life coach who will be available more often in the beginning to get started. It is important that your life coach shares in your victories and assists you in overcoming obstacles.
Healing Through Forgiveness
I went to see a dying man who had cancer throughout his whole body. He hadn’t eaten in days and he could not sleep. He was sputtering blood in a trashcan when I arrived at his home. He didn’t really want to see a healer, but his sister begged him to see me so he agreed in an effort to appease her. I knew once I saw him that he was ready to die, but he was agonizing over something and I could feel it. First I helped him to get comfortable and then we just talked. I knew that for him to have cancer in every organ of his body that he had to have held some sort of long-term resentment. Cancer is like a long-held resentment that eventually eats away at us. It turns out that he did have a long-standing conflict with a family member that ran very deep and he held guilt over a previous relationship. We talked a lot about forgiveness – forgiveness of his family member that he had the conflict with and forgiveness of himself, as well as releasing all the guilt he was holding.
I did some energy work with him to give him some comfort and settle his stomach. His family from out of town had arrived to visit with him, so it was time for me to leave. A day or so later he passed away. I wanted to quit healing. I felt useless. It was hard to accept that there was nothing more I could do. Why hadn’t someone called on me sooner? Would he have had a better chance then? I was mad at God and I asked what my purpose was meant to be in this situation. It just didn’t make sense. I was afraid to attend his funeral, to have to face his family, but I ended up going out of respect. When I got to his casket, I silently apologized for not being able to save him. I heard his sister call my name. I froze and panicked because she wanted to talk to me. I wondered if she was angry, or blamed me in any way for her brother’s death. However, it was quite the opposite.
She told me that he had a meal when I left, the first meal in days and that he slept peacefully for a few hours. Further, when he woke up, all he could talk about was forgiveness. He called his family member that he had the conflict with and forgave him for whatever had gone wrong between them. He also had forgiven himself. They made peace after many years of war. Soon after, he died. His sister kept thanking me for the peace I brought to him. She said she had not seen him so peaceful in a very long time.
The beauty of forgiveness is that we forgive the person, not the acts. It is not important that we know exactly how to forgive, as long as we are willing to forgive. The Universe takes care of the rest for us.
Before I go to bed at night, I recite … “Lord, I am willing to forgive all who have ever hurt, angered or disappointed me, including myself” and I let it go. This releases the other person, not the act, but it releases me as well.
Propensity for Intensity
People in a close relationship start off with a very intense desire for the
company of the other person. This early intensity is also referred to as
infatuation, obsession and sometimes lust. The couple tries to arrange as
much private time together as possible. This stage is intense because of
the high levels of excitement and arousal felt for each other and the
This early level of high intensity should not be expected to sustain on a
long term basis. It is similar to a 440-yard dash at a track event. The
runners train hard in advance of the event and run as fast as their bodies
can tolerate unlike longer foot races such as a 10K run or a marathon. If
these long distance runners tried to maintain the same high performance
levels the sprinters did, there would most likely be a lot of injuries and
possible collapse due to overexertion.
Some people move past the intensity period without realizing how things
would settle down to a more comfortable and manageable level. People
with a propensity for intensity feel hurt, rejected and disappointed by the
fading intensity and assume something is wrong in the relationship. Many
people make the mistake of assuming the loss of intensity and its
replacement by a deeper feeling, but perhaps not as exciting, signifies
decline in the relationship. They either try to restore the original intensity in
the relationship or feel the need to seek it out in a new one. This behavior
can inhibit the ability to establish and maintain long term relationships over
People who seek out these intense relationships are sometimes referred to
as intensity junkies. Their condition has many characteristics similar to
adrenalin junkies and addictive personalities.
Adrenanlin junkies seek out activities to keep them on a high, just as
addictive personalities lock themselves into the same repeated patterns. If
adrenalin junkies and addictive personalities fail to get the intense
experience they seek, they develop the same feelings of hurt,
disappointment and failure that intensity junkies feel after the intensity
fades and often seek situations or substances to produce that high.